SPRO BBZ-1 6" Custom Brown Trout
Covered With Ice
Does this look like your favorite bass water during winter? Right now, in Maine Steve Preston won’t be doing much bass fishing until sometime this coming spring. But the winter ice isn’t stopping Steve from making some important preparation.
An awesome catch anywhere, Steve landing a Maine swimbait bass!
Steve is a huge fan of SPRO BBZ-1 swimbaits and like many of us the 6 inch model is topping the list. In Steve’s Northeastern waters Brown Trout are abundant, but there aren’t many Brown Trout production model swimbaits available.
That’s not a problem, Steve sent a SPRO BBZ-1 6” Sexy Lavender Shad over to Kenneth Rollston in Richmond Virginia. Kenneth is an avid fisherman, and he happens to paint lures. You can check out more of Kenneth's work at https://www.facebook.com/kenneth.rollston?fref=ts
It looks like Steve is all set. I like the pattern and I would throw that anywhere. I’m looking forward to seeing your new custom swimbait stuck to the mouth of those big Maine largemouth and smallmouth bass you catch Steve!
Check Steve Preston out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/bassenman?fref=ts