FBF: Jacob Phillips Gets It Done With the SPRO BBZ-1 4” Shad.
Heading out with his buddy Tom Trainer to fish for freshwater largemouth bass, Jacob first made a stop at Malibu Fish N’ Tackle http://www.malibufishntackle.com/ where he picked up a SPRO BBZ-1 4” Shad swimbait. After a difficult early morning pre-sunrise bite, the two were headed back in when they made one last stop. Jake made his first cast with the shad swimmer, as he swam over the top of a submerged point ‘BAM’ that’s when the big fish hit!
Nice bass Jacob, thanks to Tom Trainer for sharing!
It’s great to see the SPRO BBZ-1 4” Shad getting some love!
SPRO BBZ-1 4” Shad line-up. Top Center – Blue Back Herring, Middle Left – Wicked Perch, Middle Right – Killer Gill, Middle Center – Dirty Shad, Bottom Left Natural Shad, Bottom Right – Sexy Lavender Shad
The SPRO BBZ-1 4” Swimbait is available in six color patterns. You can choose from three sink rates; Floater, Slow Sink, and Fast Sink. Sink Rates will vary with different line types. Slow Sink approximately 1 foot every 4 seconds, and Fast Sink 1 foot every 1 second.
Here is a BBZ TV video featuring the 4” Shad BBZ-1, it’s from a few years back but just like every BBZ TV video, it’s packed with helpful timeless information.
Guarantee your lowest price, purchase the BBZ-1 4” Shad and all your tackle needs at the BBZ Online Tackle Store http://thebbz.com/store. Click Store, scroll and click Swimbaits, click SPRO BBZ-1 4” Swimbait.
You can find Jacob Pillips in the galley aboard the Excel. The Excel is a long-range luxury sport fishing boat out of Fisherman’s Landing San Diego California. http://www.excelsportfishing.com/
photo credit skimmeroutdoors.com