Bobby Barrack's Road Trip: From Ca to TX To FL And Now Back To Ca. How Far Are You Willing To Go?
As everyone knows, my wife Stacey and I have been doing a little traveling across the states to visiting family, then ICAST and now back to good old home California.
Stacey and Bobby Barrack
Before we left TX, we got a couple of hours on Caddo lake, fishing my tweety wobbletron around the Lilly pads. Water temp was 90', air temp was 94' so the frog fishing was a little sluggish. We did manage to get 4 frog fish in the pads up to 4lbs. We also managed to flip three large mouth up to 2 3/4lbs on a green pumpkin Zoom Lizard with a 1/4 out slip. The we packed up the truck and headed straight to Fl.
When we got to Florida this year for ICAST 2016 my wife and I hit the ground running.
This year was no disappointment with bass fishing Stars at every corner.
We gathered some great fishing story and top notch fishing information for that should be up on the site now. We post them right after the interviews so there should be about 60 of them for your entertainment. Please check them out.
Stacey and I wrap up the 2016 ICAST show Friday night and we will be heading back home to CA. We should have a new video up for early next week.
By the way, I found my new boat for the Delta and told Stacey that I just had to have it!
She looked at me and said if you can carry it home you could, So............
I gave it a try! Needless to say I have taken 800 mg of Advil and have been changing back and forth with ice and heat every half an hour as I drive back to Ca. I almost had it but the 4th motor made it just a little to heavy.
Until next time, -Bobby and Stacey Barrack-