Crazy Man "Todd Grubb" Jumps Into Lake After Losing Fish, But Wait!
Todd Grubb SPRO BBZ-1 "Rat Master"
Hey Bill,
I just caught another GIANT bass!!!The SPRO BBZ-1 Rat 50 Strikes again! This time it's at 5lbs 7oz.
But let me rewind the story a little bit. My good friend Dakota Brouillard and I are standing on my buddies Mark Mazda's dock getting ready to have some burgers. While we are doing this we are getting the boat ready for some night fishing. I had missed a few blow ups on my rat before the sun went down but had that feeling something big was about to happen. First freakin cast after we parked the boat "BOOOOM" it's a Tank! Get it all the way to the boat and it jumped over the net, spits the hooks, hit the boat, and went into the water.... WTF (Where's The Fish) my crazy Grubb instincts kicked in and I dove in after the damn thing.... GoPro is toast, I-phone is toast, battery charger is toast, head lamp is toast and the battery back pack is freakin toast.. Funny thing is, when I dove in after it I almost had the damn thing. I was able to grab the bass on it's side under the water, but it slipped away. Absolutely unbelievable. So I was pretty down in the dumps for about Five Minutes. As I was pouting like a little bitch,
Dakota Brovillard holding his new PB bass
Dakota (pictured above) hooked into his first bass in a long time on the bone colored whopper Plopper. Good thing I made him pick one up at Dicks along with 50lb braid and a brand new Lews rod. Well that bass just so happened to be the biggest fish of his life at 3 lbs 5oz! Congrats on your PB homie! Wait it gets better. I tossed his fish in the live so I can get my camera and lights set up for a picture and he hooked into another 3 pounder on the Plopper! Unfreaking Real!
So all my gear is messed up and I am recovering from the GIANT bass I just dumped but I'm in an excellent mood. While filming the fish Dakota caught a fan of the show pulled up in a kayak and told us how he had just heard from his friend about all the videos we are posting! So darn cool!
Check Out "Fishing GrubbZ" On YouTube!
Well after taking a little break and eating some burgers back at the house, we went out for some more night fishing.
And then it happened! within 20 minutes or so I made the perfect cast and the BBZ-1 Rat 50 got CRUSHED!!!!! by another 5lb giant! Absolutely epic night on the water and shows that even if you do crazy stuff like jumping in after a monster bass and frying ALL of your equipment, if you regroup you still have another shot at a Monster! -Todd Grubb