Help us Cleanup Lake Elsinore Oct. 21st — Welcome To The BBZ World - theBBZtv - How to Catch Monster Bass & Other Fish - Fishing Videos & How-To - Bill Siemantel
Help us Cleanup Lake Elsinore Oct. 21st
The Inland Empire Chapter of CCA is planning a beach cleanup and barbecue day collaborating with the City of lake Elsinore. We will embark on a mission to clean up the levee area of Lake Elsinore. The cleanup portion of the event will start at 8:00 AM and run till 11:30 AM. We will meet at the Trail head of the Levee. The location of the trail head is at the corner of Pete Lehr Drive and Diamond Drive. There is a parking lot next to the trailhead. We will have a sign-up table at the Trailhead. There will be a barbecue at Summerly Park from 12:00PM till 3:00PM. The City of Lake Elsinore will provide trash bags, gloves, trash pickers, and a dumpster. We will need members to volunteer to run the sign-up booth, the barbecue, and help with the lake cleanup.