Recreational Lobster Season is Here, but with Delays in Portions of Los Angeles and Orange Counties — Welcome To The BBZ World - theBBZtv - How to Catch Monster Bass & Other Fish - Fishing Videos & How-To - Bill Siemantel
Recreational Lobster Season is Here, but with Delays in Portions of Los Angeles and Orange Counties
The California spiny lobster fishery opened Friday, Sept. 29, at 6 p.m. for recreational diving and hoop netting, followed by the commercial fishery on Wednesday, Oct. 4. The recreational opener was 12 hours earlier than past seasons, providing an extra night of recreational fishing opportunity. State health agencies determined that spiny lobster sampled off of mainland Los Angeles County had elevated levels of domoic acid and recommended a delayed opening of the recreational and commercial fishery in the area. Following this recommendation, the CDFW enacted a delay to the start of the recreational and commercial spiny lobster fisheries within specific areas of Los Angeles and Orange counties. Areas immediately surrounding the recreational delay area will be open to recreational take under an advisory issued by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to avoid consuming the viscera (tomalley) and roe (eggs) of spiny lobster. Cooking lobsters neither decreases nor destroys the toxin, so consumers are advised to discard the viscera, roe and cooking liquids. The delay areas shall remain in effect until OEHHA, in consultation with the State Public Health Officer of CDPH, determines that domoic acid no longer poses a significant risk to public health. See here for more information on regulations for saltwater crustaceans, including spiny lobster and visit CDFW’s Online License Sales and Services to purchase a Spiny Lobster Report Card online.