Getting The Most Bang For Your Buck: Maximizing Credit Card Rewards For Outdoor Gear Purchases
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There’s so much to love about the great outdoors – from lush, green forests to picturesque views of a mountainous landscape. While exploring the beautiful world of nature is free, the gear that can help you explore these better – such as hiking shoes, tents, fishing gear, and the like – is not. These can cost you big bucks but know that investing in quality equipment is paramount to a safe outdoor experience.
First Things First: Boost Your Credit Score
When was the last time you checked your credit score? Monitoring and maintaining a good credit score is key to getting the best deals in the market. It’s quite simple – a higher score can often lead to lower interest rates and even better rewards.
Maintaining a good credit score requires you to show that you’re financially responsible. One way to do that is by paying your credit card bills on time. Meeting the minimum amount for payment is, well, the bare minimum. And to show banks that you’re responsible with your finances, it’s best that you pay your bills in full and not to mention, on time.
Owning a credit card may seem like a ticket to buying anything you want, but do remember that you still have to pay for the expensive outdoor gear that you’re looking to add to your cart. Other than managing your debt, regularly reviewing your credit reports for inaccuracies can help too. With that said, giving your credit score that much-needed boost creates new opportunities for you to own reward-rich credit cards.
Choose the Right Card
Besides maintaining a good credit standing, choosing the right credit card can give you the best deals in the market. Note that not all credit cards are the same, so selecting the right one is crucial. Some might offer cash back, while others reward you with airline miles.
The key is to take note of the rewards structure. If a credit card rewards shopping at outdoor gear stores, then that’s the one you should get. Some credit cards are even partnered with some local sports brands, which can help you get exclusive discounts if you’re looking to buy some new gear.
Take Advantage of Sign-Up Bonuses
Let’s say you’re looking for a new credit card. In this scenario, your best bet is to look for one with a sign-up bonus. This is often rewarded to new users of the credit card and sometimes you’ll have to reach a minimum spend requirement within a specified time period to avail of the sign-up bonus.
The best way to do this is to plan your purchases. If you’re looking to splurge on some gear for your next hike, then you might want to consider looking around for credit cards that offer sign-up bonuses before you bite the bullet and make your purchase.
Optimize Points Redemption
A great way to get those irresistible deals in the market is by optimizing the way you redeem your points. Credit card rewards come in different forms such as cash back, travel rewards, or gift cards. Use these smartly so you can get the best deals for the gear that you’ve been eyeing.
To understand them better, you need a good understanding of how to use your points while getting the best value out of them. For example, a credit card company might offer a good deal of cash back for shopping within a specified time frame, provided that you reach the spend requirement. At the end of the day, it’s all about knowing your options and choosing the best one based on the value they bring.
Stack Rewards
Here’s a tip that you might not have been familiar with: stacking rewards is possible. It may sound like you’re gaming the system, but credit card companies do have online portals that allow you to earn more rewards when you use their link. So before you jump the gun and finalize your purchase, always check if your card company offers any additional rewards. That way, you earn both regular rewards from your credit card and the one in their online portal.
Watch Out for Seasonal Promotions
Who doesn’t love a good deal? While it can be tempting to purchase all that gear that you’ve kept in your cart, timing is paramount to getting the biggest discounts. That means, always be on the lookout for seasonal promotions that your card offers. Sometimes they allow you to earn extra points or even extra cashback. It’s a bonus if you time your purchase with a seasonal sale that your outdoor retailer has. By following this strategy, you’ll surely save a significant amount of money – money which you could use to buy even more outdoor gear!
Protect Yourself From Credit Card Fraud
All of these steps are useless without one of the most integral parts of using credit cards: safety. With cyber-attacks increasing in prevalence, it’s crucial to protect yourself from credit card fraud. Always check your credit card statements and verify all the listed transactions – be sure to take note of unauthorized transactions and notify your card issuer immediately. Also, keep in mind that you must never share your credit card information on unsecured websites or on phone calls that you did not initiate.
In Conclusion
Getting the best deals for outdoor gear is all about planning ahead. While it starts with building a good foundation (i.e. credit score), you have other options to consider so you can snag the best deals such as choosing the right card or watching out for seasonal promotions. Shopping can be exciting but don’t forget to stay safe from credit card fraud. So what are you waiting for? Adventure awaits – with the help of your credit card!