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Fishing Tackle Retailer Announces New Editor in Chief
We’ve been busy here at Fishing Tackle Retailer (FTR) over the last few weeks, not only managing the annual explosion of news surrounding the product releases and fanfare that come with the ICAST trade show each year, but also behind the scenes as we navigate an ever-evolving industry. Much of it has been exciting and profound like the new ownership we announced back on June 13. Then there was the announcement we made earlier this week regarding the expansion of The Fishing Wire team. For today, we’ll stick with the forward-facing theme, but rest-assured we’ve got plenty of cool stuff going on behind the scenes that will make FTR not only bigger and better, but which will also better serve our clients, subscribers, and fishing industry partners in the coming years.
Just prior to ICAST, Ken Duke made the announcement that he would be leaving FTR. Ken was a big part of the magazine for nearly nine years, most recently holding the position of Managing Editor overseeing the print magazine. Ken’s resignation left some big shoes to fill, and while it was not something we jumped into hastily, the decision was a rather easy one to make as our Digital Editor, Toby Lapinski, will be assuming the duties as Editor in Chief of Fishing Tackle Retailer.
Toby has been the Digital Editor of FTR for the past two and a half years, and for more than a year and a half of that he has also produced the Fishing Wire email that is read – dare we say religiously so – by nearly 16,000 fishing enthusiasts and industry leaders daily. He comes from a print magazine background as before joining FTR he was the Managing Editor of the New England edition of The Fisherman Magazine for nearly 10 years. He is also a freelance writer whose work has appeared in such publications as Anglers Journal, Field & Stream, Surfcasters Journal, Long Island Boating Journal, and many others, so his byline has appeared on literally hundreds upon hundreds of articles over the years.
“I look forward to my new role here at FTR, and I have a lot of new ideas for the magazine as well as the digital side of the brand, but don’t fret that you’re going to open an upcoming edition of the magazine and not recognize what you see,” said Toby, “While there will be some subtle changes being implemented here and there, and you’re likely to see a few new bylines on the print side, I can assure you that all the best parts of the magazine will remain firmly in place.”
Angie Thompson is effusive in her praise for Toby, saying that she could always count on him for his big ideas and love for the sport of fishing. “He has always respected his customers, brought an open-minded approach to his thinking, and demonstrated a passion for the sport,” Thompson shared. “I’ve had the pleasure to work with Toby for several years and in that time, it has become abundantly clear that this is someone you’d be lucky to have in your corner. Toby’s dedication to his craft and enthusiasm for fishing have made him someone who is truly a pleasure to work with.”
You’ve likely already met Toby as he has attended the Bassmaster Classic, ICAST, the ASA Summit, and other industry events on our behalf since first joining the team, but if not, you’re sure to get to know him well in his new role. His position will be a hybrid of what he was doing previously on the digital side, combined with the responsibilities of the print magazine, and he will work closely with the entire FTR team including new owner, Angie Thompson, as we take the brand to new and exciting places.